Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Quest Begins!

We’ve lost something terribly important. And delicious. Never forget delicious. Yes, alas. The beloved double chocolate muffin mix has disappeared from aisles. It's been gone some time now and after years of hoping it might resurface, we must admit to ourselves that the muffins are likely not coming back.

A moment of silence please.                       Ok. That’s plenty long. We are over it. Ish.

Here is basically what happened:
Our mom teaches piano out of our home. She has for years. As we were all growing up, she’d sometimes make after school snacks for us and the other piano students. (That was partially to keep the 5-7 kids at our house at any given time from raiding the refrigerator.) The most common snack was double chocolate mini muffins. They were made from a muffin mix she could only find at Safeway and they were easily everyone’s favorite muffins.

But then tragedy struck! Safeway stopped selling them.

It was a dark day at our house.

Several years later, we reach the Now. And in the Now of 2014, Mom still has not found a suitable replacement recipe and we are still out of flawless chocolate muffins.

And so- armed with aprons, chocolate, and the internet- Leah and I have decided to begin a quest. We are going to find and try as many delicious muffin recipes as possible. Chocolate, pumpkin, blueberry. Doesn't matter! One can never have too many delicious muffin recipes. 


“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” 
― J.R.R. Tolkien

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